OMG, I color-coded my business and I am so happy. Oh the happy! Everything makes sense to me now. Allow me to explain.
I’ve been doing some coaching with the lovely and brilliant Cairene, a systems and time management savant, of ThirdHandWorks. She totally gets us creative entrepreneurs and how we think, organize and process.
Let me just say that when she dropped into our conversation this line, “….remember in design class when they talked about the color wheel?” I swooned and leaned in closer (on the phone) to hear what she was saying.
Bookkeeping has a color? A mood? Seriously? Seriously!
Like beautifully dyed Easter eggs
It does. Mine is blue. So does networking (yellow). Whimsy (pink). Creating, yes different from whimsy, I’ll explain later (orange). Blogging (green). Learning (purple). And marketing (maroon).
Not only a color but a mood, personality and unique qualities. Also yet to be discovered: a time of day, frequency and sequencing. Like on the color wheel.
Which colors (activities) clash or make mud when combined? Which are synchronous and harmonic?
Systems rock
This my friends is a system I can get behind. A system that excites me. A system I want to explore.
Just wait until you see my project timelines…..
Want to mindmap your business on your own? You can.
Which reminds me…..back in January I taught a teleclass with Cairene on how to mindmap your business/life. There were lots of cool things in the class like a guided meditation to see where your business wants to go and what it needs, investigating the iconography or images that animate your business, and constructing a mindmap of where your business is headed.
The mindmapping teleclass is available here in case you missed it.