I’m on the wall.
One of my clients, the brilliant Julie Wilson who works at Harvard and found me through the HBR article I was mentioned in, wants to change the education system in the US. She came to me with her ideas and mission. Signed up for the year-long viz biz plan because this, clearly, is a huge undertaking. Not something that can be turned around in 90 minutes. So we came up with a plan. Things for her to think about. Things to research. Ways to connect with people to find cohorts for her mission.
Now she’s excited and driven, and has steps to work on until we put our heads (and my markers) together again. As Julie said:
Who knew business plan generation could be so fun?
Here’s Julie’s visual map on the wall of her office. Very few things make me as happy as seeing a picture like this.
She’s @juliemargretta on Twitter if you want to connect.
I’m an Everlasting Gobstopper?!?
Okay, I used to love those as a kid and Kelly Parkinson at Copylicious called me one in her post where she makes the case for people who are capable of multiple flavors, which I love.
You are not a generalist. You’re an intelligent thinker who sees that these things fit together. The solution you present is so amazing it prevents the problem from happening in the first place.
And then in a wonderful list of other Gobstoppers like my friends Pam, Havi and Sparky, she refers to me as a visual facilitator with mad business skills and connections. Perfecto!!
One more place I discovered Making Ideas Visible.
Dan Nolan is building a gigantic tower of business cards. And by the way, he needs many more cards so drop yours in the mail okay?
Guess who’s bright orange biz card is in this photo? Because standing out from the crowd isn’t just my mission, it’s my way of being.