by julie | journey mapping, visioning, visual thinking, wayfinding
I hope you’ve been well or as my aunt says these days “mostly well.” It’s been a lot, huh? If you’re like me, you may have found new meaning and purpose in your work and life as priorities have shifted. I’d love to hear what’s changed for you, where your...
by julie | journey mapping
As my business is growing I’m implementing systems, structures and processes to support me and my clients. That’s a very unsexy sentence but hang in here for a minute. It’s all about showing my clients the love which is very sexy. Creative people need structure to...
by julie | journey mapping
What are the qualities of your ideal work? The confetti that’s inside these eggs represents the qualities of my ideal clients and work situations. It’s about a certain kind of connection, energy, flow, stimulation (intellectually, emotionally & financially)...
by julie | journey mapping
Time and how I use it, or how it uses me is occupying my thoughts. I’m noticing that my life revolves around my work life which revolves around my To-Do list which means I’m reduced to finding part of my joy in checking off a series of tasks from a list. That’s so not...